Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How can you make your hair look blonder :)?

please dont say lemon Juice cause havent you noticed its WINTER


Dont Say Bleach :S

Can you Use like Ketchep

Somethink like that


Very Much


How can you make your hair look blonder :)?

well in the summer or if you have a lot of sun in your state put lemons in your hair and lay out : ]

ohh wait sorry i just saw you put that haha um highlights :]

How can you make your hair look blonder :)?

purple shampoo. like shimmering lights or even something generic as long as its PURPLE =]

How can you make your hair look blonder :)?


How can you make your hair look blonder :)?

just dye it

How can you make your hair look blonder :)?

Purple shampoo is definately a great idea, it boosts the blonde and reduces brassiness so your hair doesn't look yellow- whether its dyed or not. Also if you want to really amp up the blondeness try getting a few really light blonde foils throughout your hair.

How can you make your hair look blonder :)?

you can use beer my sister used it before.

How can you make your hair look blonder :)?

its winter so this aint gonna b of much help 2 u i dont think....but if u are naturally blonde go in the sun at summertime =) id luv me hair 2 be as blonde as it was wen i was little tho its still really blonde !!

How can you make your hair look blonder :)?

If you are a natural blond ( NO color at all) use Sun-IN I used it for years. You can use it temporally in the winter until summer then lay out in summer. You can spray it on your wet hair and lay out or use a hair dryer to lighten your hair. It will not be a dramatic Blond and you will have to do more then one coat, I would do mine until I like the color. But you will be blonder after a few times with out the expensive highlights or hair color and without the damage either. I will warn again don't do this if you have colored you hair, a friend did and her hair turned orange. Otherwise it is a great product for subtle natural looking hightlights.

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